What is the "PSAT newsletter"
A monthly review of studies and research that has been conducted with our PSAT platform known as '

Use of Geomagnetic Anomalies for Precise Geo-localization
Part II: Welcome back to Glacier Bay! In this next review, we answer common questions such as what are magnetic anomalies? How do you determine a fish position with magnetic fields? Are PSAT's useful for magnetic geolocation?

Fine Scale Geo-Localization of Demersal Fish
Part I: Nielsen et al. used PSATs to analyse the migration behaviours of Pacific halibut in a marine protected area (MPA) in the Glacier Bay National Park. This helped them determine if fish were able to "find homes" inside the MPA.
Satellite Tags Leap Forward Into the Era of AI
Read the full paper review here

Marine Conservation In Remote Areas
"Leveraging satellite technology to create true shark sanctuaries", a study by Bradley et al. was highlighted in an episode of Discovery Channel's Shark Week, in which Philippe Cousteau explains the potential of long-reporting solar powered PSAT as a tool to monitor ans safeguard sharks in a sanctuary.

Gauging Fish Activity Through Satellite Transmitted Accelerometry
This study by Pohlot et al. revealed the possibility of using PSATs for satellite transmitted animal telemetry in a world where acceleration datasets were believed to be too large for satellite transmission. This new PSAT feature allowed the use of accelerometer data as a tool for studying sailfish behaviour in remote areas.

Post-release Mortality Of Bluefin Tuna
That's One Small Swim for Tunas, One Giant Leap for PSAT's!
Read the full paper review here