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Technical Specifications

 Size, Weight, and Floatation

GEO/PSAT with Backup Battery GEO/PSAT without Backup Battery
Length (to base of antenna)
Tube diameter
Float max. diameter
Weight in air
Flotation in sea water
8.3g (19.9% of weight)
8.5g (23.1% of weight)
Flotation in fresh water
7.3g (17.5% of weight)
7.5g (20.4% of weight)


  1. Weight and flotation is without tag attachment hardware (leader line & barb)

  2. When using Hallprint model (HALL-P) leader line & stainless steel barb:

    1. Add 5.3g weight

    2. Reduce flotation by 4.6g for tag shedding scenario with leader and barb still attached.

Operating Modes

  1. Pop-up archival with programmed release time and opportunistic real-time transmissions while on-animal. Max. on-animal time one year.

  2. Real-time tracking with reporting of latest daily summary. Unlimited on-animal time.

Power Supply:

Stored solar power for data acquisition and ARGOS transmissions Optional internal battery supports data acquisition in darkness for over 1 year.


Three-axis precision magnetometer, 60 nT reporting resolution 

Solar power panel doubling as large-surface light sensor 

Temperature sensor, 0.002 deg C reporting resolution 

Radio frequency surface detection for timing ARGOS transmissions 

Precision calibrated clock


FLASH storage for 416 daily summaries.

Position estimates:

Based on light and magnetic measurements. 

ARGOS positions available when the tag is at the surface.

Reported data:

Magnetic field strength, noon time, length of day, temperature, tag status information

ARGOS Transmissions:

Unlimited transmit endurance based on solar power 

Data transmitted:

  1. Archived or most recent daily summary packets

  2. Engineering packets for diagnostics (every tenth transmission)

  3. Short (energy efficient) 'position only' packets available for real-time tracking

Docking Station

Wireless data transmission for tag configuration & archived data retrieval.

Op. Temp. Range:

-20 deg C to +50 deg C (sensor accuracy may be reduced at temperature extremes)

Depth Rating:

Operational depth rating 1200m 

Typical crush depth 1800m

Important Notes:

  1. Technical specifications are subject to change without notice

  2. Sizes and weights are approximate and may vary due to manufacturing tolerances or component changes

  3. Absolute accuracy of sensors, power consumption and generation rates and the like are complex and in many cases dependent on operating conditions. Instead of guaranteeing any specific accuracy or results, we conduct lab and field measurements and publish the data as it is for your review. Please see these information sources:

    1. A ‘Calibration Report’ is stored on each tag and is available through the SeaDock software.

    2. A ‘Sensor Test’ function in SeaDock allows for instantaneous testing of your tags sensor functionality.

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